I see you falling out of love with me

If I cried anymore, I would have no time to weave.

I address the quirky and personal issues of love and loss through my mixed-media series I See You Falling Out of Love with Me. Using materials and techniques not often associated, I combine my love of hand-crafted fiber arts, such as spinning and weaving, with familiar drawing and painting methods.

These textural works are combinations of many sources of materials: figurative and digital images, hand- and machine-woven fabrics, drawing and painting. My love of fiber as a technique and a symbolic presence comes through in these emotional, often humorous pieces. My tapestries capture the physical pain associated with heartbreak. Conversely, my painted pillows and dolls, at first seemingly innocent, reveal themselves to be deceptive like love. Soft becomes hard, such as when a child’s toy becomes an adult nightmare.

These fiber memoirs may not always be true, but they are always real. Erratic, almost helpless falling figures convey the discomfort I had watching my partner falling out of love with me. Blending skulls with the vulnerable bodies protects my heart from the reality of heartbreak.

Are the falling figures him or are they me?